Upcoming Events
IEEEXtreme 10.0 success
13 teams took part of this year anniversary IEEEXteme programming competition, 8 from Tallinn University of Technology and 5 from University of Tartu (one team was formed in Narva College of UT). The result was impressive because a team – VertexCover from UT reached to the 1st place in leaderboard, sharing the same score with teams from Switzerland, Iran and Australia! Three teams from UT were in the fist hundred, three teams from TUT in the second hundred, meaning that about half of teams were good enough to belong to the top 10% of participants around the globe.
Great job, Estonian teams (ordered according to place in leaderboard): VertexCover, eSchmetterlinge, Enceladus, singleSpace, 50MoreLinesOfCode, SuperFly, TheEbony, TheTeamTeam, CodeZal, suvakas, ChildrenCoding and NarvaCollegeCode!
Dark night, the competition has just begun. Tallinn teams at 3:35
The leaderboard. The very top.
K. Tammemäe 24.10.2016
IEEE Day 2016
Happy IEEE Day 2016!
On 4th of October the members of IEEE around the globe are celebrating the IEEE Day with number of inspiring events, competitions and gatherings.
In Tallinn, many of the IEEE members are busy with Baltic Electronic Conference which is in all terms proper event to celebrate the IEEE Day too.
In addition, Student branches and WIE of TUT SB might have something special in their agenda!
Also, one more of IEEE events is approaching – IEEEXtreme 24h programming contest on 22th of October. Several student teams have already registered as the deadline is closing (14th of October). The aim – to repeat success of previous competitions and get into the list the first hundred of the best programmers teams in the world.
Let the IEEE Day be something contextually important for everyone on our path for Advancing technology for humanity!
Estonia Section Summer Seminar on 19-20 August
Registration to IEEE Estonia Section traditional Summer Seminar on 19-20 August, 2016 is open.
It is our anniversary seminar – IEEE Estonia Section will become 10 years old!
The first part of seminar will take place at TUT Virumaa College, located in Kohtla-Järve, on 19th of August. Evening and the next day will be in Saka Manor near to Kohtla-Järve.
Accommodation (limited places!) will be in Saka Manor (http://www.saka.ee/).
Event description (program, presentations, etc.) is h e r e.
Deadline for registration is 31th of July 2016.
Participation is free for IEEE members, for others the cost will be calculated during registration.
For additional details of the event please contact section officers.
Lecture-seminar by Prof. Igor Meglinski
Bio-Photonics: Development of revolutionary tools for cancer diagnostics based on advanced analysis of coherent light scattering and polarization-based imaging
Thursday, June 16th 2016 at 14:00, TUT auditorium U02-307
Also other activities carried on in OPEM Laboratory of Univ. of Oulu will be discussed, e.g.:
- Organic solar cells and organic LEDs by additive deposition and printing technologies, memristors and microlens arrays, novel characterization tools for thin film structures, synchronized thermography method and Printed Intelligence Research group (within
Printocent industrial cluster) - Reliable cost-effective food quality screening, personalized e-health system, novel miniaturized biosensors and health monitoring via wireless communication, functional non-invasive brain imaging with optics-based tools, multi-modal data acquisition approach for medical diagnosis, nano anti-Stokes luminophores (NAL) technology for cancer detection etc.
- Active role of OPEM laboratory in different R&D networks like, e.g. Biophotonics4Life Worldwide consortium and Baltic Sea Research Network NanoPhoto
Prof. Igor Meglinski is Senior member of IEEE, Fellow of SPIE, Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK), Node Leader of Biophotonics4Life Consortium (Head of Lab. of Optoelectronics and Measurement Techniques OPEM, Univ. of Oulu, FI. He is author or co-author of more than 220 research publications, he has been invited or plenary session speaker in more than 200 international scientific meetings. His previous appointments before 2014 have been Saratov State University (RU), Univ. of Pennsylvania (USA), Univ. of Exeter (UK), Cranfield Univ. (UK), and Univ. of Otago (NZ).
IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Lecturer Bernadetta Kwintiana Ane in TUT
IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Lecturer Bernadetta Kwintiana Ane will give a lecture on Moday 6th of June 2016 at 11:00 in IT Maja Akadeemia tee 15A, room # ICT-507 A/B
Embedded Systems as Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems
Abstract: Robots, intelligent buildings, implantable medical devices, cars that drive themselves or planes that automatically fly in a controlled airspace are examples of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Today, CPS can be found in such diverse industries as aerospace, automotive, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, infrastructure, consumer electronics, and communications. Everyday life is becoming increasingly dependent on these systems, in some cases with dramatic improvements. CPS can be described as smart systems that encompass computational (i.e., hardware and software) and physical components, seamlessly integrated and closely interacting to sense the changing state of the real world. These systems involve a high degree of complexity at numerous spatial and temporal scales and highly networked communications integrating computational and physical components. In fact, CPS is about the intersection, not the union, of the physical and the cyber. In CPS, embedded computers and networks monitor and control the physical processes, usually with feedback loops where physical processes affect computations and vice versa. The design of such systems requires understanding the joint dynamics of computers, software, networks, and physical processes. Therefore, it is not sufficient to separately understand the physical components and the computational components. We must instead understand their interaction.
Bernadetta Kwintiana Ane is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Computer-aided Product Development Systems, University of Stuttgart in Germany. She has 12 years teaching experiences mainly in Engineering Graphics and Design, particularly for application in the fields of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science. Her research interest includes computer aided geometric design (CAGD), reverse engineering, computer-aided design/manufacturing/ engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE), product design, design visualization, design automation, computer supported collaborative design, virtual reality based product design, cyber-physical design systems, and not limited to scientific data rendering and visualization for application in bioinformatics and in-silico modelling.
She has won various international research grants and has published more than 65 scientific writings in the form of books, chapters in books, journal papers, and conference papers. She is a fellow of Monbukagakusho, Japan as well as the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Germany. Since 2007, she played active roles as lead researcher in the international research projects in Germany as well as member in other European countries’ projects. Currently, as a Humboldtian and IEEE professional member she serves internationally as research fellow for several European research centers. She also serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Intelligent Automation and Soft-Computing (Taylor & Francis) and Journal of Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier Science), as well as grant assessor for The Czech Academy of Science, The Czech Science Foundation, and an independent expert to assist the European Commission with tasks in connection with the Framework Programme (Horizon2020) for Research and Innovation.
Additional information:
Urmet Jänes <urmet AT uninet.ee>