
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

IEEE Estonia Section is locally supporting IEEE activities mostly through the organization of professional meetings, invited lectures, workshops and other events.

Upcoming Events


IEEE Young Professionals in Game Development: Using Unreal Engine 4

We’d like to announce an event organized in co-operation with IEEE Estonia Young Professionals:

The event is dedicated to (serious) game design in Unreal Engine 4 and consists of a seminar part (lecture + talks, seat limit 30) and a workshop (VR lab, seat limit 15).

In order to register, please use the meetup.com page, and if you are interested in the workshop, please also register to it separately following the link on meetup.com. We are looking forward to welcoming you at this event!

IEEE Extreme Programming Competition 12.0: An Overview

The IEEE Xtreme Programming Competition 12.0 has concluded! IEEE Xtreme is an annual hackathon and competitive programming challenge where student teams from all over the world compete to solve a set of programming tasks. This year, 4046 teams participated in the event from 73+ countries among them 8 teams from Estonia divided between TalTech and Tartu universities. The teams had to solve 24+2 tasks in 24 hours. Less than half of the teams were able to achieve a score.

We would like to congratulate the team from Tartu University for reaching the 6th place in the competition! We would also like to thank all the proctors who devoted their time to supervise the teams in both TalTech University (6 teams) and Tartu University (2 teams).

A bit of statistics from neighboring countries: Latvia (1 team, score 342.13), Lithuania (one team, no score), Poland (one team, no score), Finland (1 team, score 129.83), Russia (1 team, score 411.36), Belgium (10 teams, best score 1320.87), Austria (21 teams, best score 1273.31), Switzerland (5 teams, best score 2107.1 = third place).

Further information about the teams and results will be published soon at https://ieeextreme.org/

IEEE Estonia Section Summer Seminar 2018

IEEE Estonia Section Seminar will be held on August 19-20, 2018. This year the venue is Jäneda Mõis, Jäneda.
Please register using the form available on https://iscx.dcc.ttu.ee/ISC/ws/ws.asp
The same page will contain updated information about the event.
Program is under compilation and proposals are welcome. The seminar is free for members (including the overnight stay in Jäneda, limited number of rooms is available). Please register before August 9th to secure your accommodation.

IEEE Estonia Young Professionals: Kick-off Seminar “From Academia to Industry”

Join us for the kick-off seminar hosted by the newly formed IEEE Estonia Section Young Professionals Affinity Group! In this two-hour event, we will tell you about IEEE, the Estonia Section, and Young Professionals, and invited company representatives will also speak about their companies, internship and work opportunities! Confirmed companies include Telia, Swedbank, ABB, LDI Innovation, and Valmet.
To register, either do it through Eventbrite by getting a free ticket, or do it via Facebook by marking yourself as “Going” to the event.
Facebook page: https://goo.gl/GGGHuz
Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ieee-estonia-young-professionals-from-academia-to-industry-seminar-tickets-46226084463