
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

IEEE Estonia Section is locally supporting IEEE activities mostly through the organization of professional meetings, invited lectures, workshops and other events.

Upcoming Events


IEEE Approves Formation of IEEE Estonia Section Young Professionals Affinity Group

It brings us pleasure to announce that on March 17, 2018, IEEE has approved the formation of the IEEE Estonia Section Young Professionals Affinity Group. We would like to acknowledge the efforts of fellow IEEE Estonia Section volunteers towards the establishment of this new sub-unit including Urmet Jänes, Aleksei Tepljakov, and present IEEE Estonia Section Chair Peeter Ellervee. Interim Chair of the new unit is Aleksei Tepljakov who initiated the corresponding petiton.

Results of Chapter Chair Elections

The elections of four new Chapter Chairs are over and were almost very successful. For three chapters, new Chapter Chairs were elected. The new Chapter Chairs are as follows:

  1. Education Chapter: Tiia Rüütmann (activity 71%, all for);
  2. Computer / Communications / Information Theory Joint Chapter: Alar Kuusik (activity 37%, all for);
  3. Signal Processing / Circuits and Systems / Solid-State Circuits Joint Chapter: Gholamreza Anbarjafari (activity 58%, all for).

For the fourth chapter, Instrumentation and Measurement / Electron Devices / Engineering in Medicine and Biology Joint Chapter, the election results are contradicting and it is possible that new elections must be organized.

Sherif Sakr, Big Data Science as a Service, Tallinn, 24.10.2017 10.00

Teisipäeval 24.10.2017 kell 10.00 esineb Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ruumis ICT-507 professor Sherif Sakr loenguga “Big Data Science as a Service”.
Tuesday October 24th 2017 at 10.00 in TUT room ICT-507, Prof Sherif Sakr will give a presentation on Big Data Science as a Service.
Address: Akadeemia tee 15a, 12618, Tallinn (5th floor, rear stairs).
Everybody is welcome to participate! See below for more info on the speaker and talk.

Estonia Section Summer Seminar 2017

IEEE Estonian Section Seminar will be held as always on August 19-20 and this year in Tartu.
You can make your registration on http://isc.ttu.ee/ws.htm
Program is under compilation and proposals are welcome. The seminar is free for members (including hotel, limited for 30 persons).
Further details can be found on the web page, information will be modified continuously.

Prof Weiler Finamore, On Modeling PLC Noise. TUT 29.05.2017 16:30

IEEE Eesti kutsub osalema IEEE külalislektori Prof. Weiler Finamore avalikul loengul sidekanali mürade modelleerimisest „On Modeling PLC Noise“ esmaspäeval, 29. mail kell 16:30 TTÜ IT majas ruumis ICT-A1 (Akadeemia tee 15A; II korrus, tagumine trepikoda).
Loengu ingliskeelne kokkuvõte ja esineja lühibiograafia leiate allpool, kutsume osalema! Üliõpilased on samuti oodatud.
Lisaks powerline/PLC kasutajatele peaks loeng huvi pakkuma ka raadio- ja akustilise sidega tegelejatele.
You are invited to an open IEEE lecture of Prof. Weiler Finamore on communications channel modeling, titled „On Modeling PLC Noise“. The lecture will be held at TTU IT building room ICT-A1 (Akadeemia tee 15A, II floor, rear stairs) on Monday May 29th at 16:30.
An english abstract and short bio is shown below, please participate! Anybody, including students is welcome.
Besides PLC technology users the lecture should be relevant to radio and acoustic communication system researchers.