
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

IEEE Estonia Section is locally supporting IEEE activities mostly through the organization of professional meetings, invited lectures, workshops and other events.

Upcoming Events


IEEE Estonia Student Branch at University of Tartu

Really exiting news – there are two IEEE Student Branches in Estonia now!
The University of Tartu (UT) Student Branch got approved on 30th of November 2015.
The Counselor of freshly formed student branch is Gholamreza Anbarjafari and
the Student Branch Chair is Morteza Daneshmand.
Congratulations and let the actions begin!

IEEEXtreme 9.0

IEEEXtreme 24-Hour Programming Competition took place on 24th of October. There were 7 teams (in each 3 IEEE Student or Graduate Student members) from Estonia participating – 4 teams from Tallinn University of Technology, 2 from University of Tartu and 1 from Estonian IT College.
In tough global competition where more than 2000 teams participated, three of Estonian teams were ranked among the first 100. Table of results:

Team University Global rank
X3M University of Tartu 51
50LinesOfCode Tallinn University of Technology 63
Uniteam Tallinn University of Technology 95
NoCodeInSight Tallinn University of Technology 159
JaakTree University of Tartu 219
KKSPlusPlus Tallinn University of Technology 240
VariableMoods Estonian IT College 647


IEEE distinguished lecturer Prof. Maria Sabrina Greco "Advanced Techniques of Radar Detection in Non-Gaussian Background"

On Wednesday, 16th September 2015 at 14:00, Tallinn University of Technology, room NRG-226
IEEE distinguished lecturer Prof. Maria Sabrina Greco from University of Pisa



After a brief introduction dedicated to modern statistical and spectral modeling and analysis of high-resolution sea and ground clutter, the lecture will focus on coherent radar detection in non-Gaussian background. Optimum and sub-optimum detectors are derived and their performance analysed against a non-Gaussian background. Different interpretations of the various detectors are provided that highlight the relationships and the differences among them. Moreover, some discussion is dedicated to how to make adaptive the detectors, by incorporating a proper estimate of the disturbance covariance matrix, in order to guarantee the CFAR behaviour of the detector. Results with simulated and real recorded data will be shown.

Recognition Award Banner – Silver Recruitment of Estonia



IEEE Estonia Section was recognized on base of three last years of membership development performance. As a matter of fact, the ratio of IEEE members in Section to population of Estonia has reached to level of older European countries.

Still there is lot of space to increase it further 🙂