Teisipäeval 24.10.2017 kell 10.00 esineb Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ruumis ICT-507 professor Sherif Sakr loenguga “Big Data Science as a Service”.
Tuesday October 24th 2017 at 10.00 in TUT room ICT-507, Prof Sherif Sakr will give a presentation on Big Data Science as a Service.
Address: Akadeemia tee 15a, 12618, Tallinn (5th floor, rear stairs).
Everybody is welcome to participate! See below for more info on the speaker and talk.
Recently, big data science has emerged as a modern and important data analysis discipline. It is considered as an amalgamation of classical disciplines such as statistics, artificial intelligence and computer science with its sub-disciplines including database systems, machine learning and distributed systems. It combines existing approaches with the aim of turning abundantly available data into value for individuals, organizations, and society. Cloud computing represents a practical and cost-effective solution for supporting Big Data storage, processing and for sophisticated analytics applications. There will be the detailed analysis of the building blocks of the software stack for supporting and democratizing big data science as a commodity service for data scientists. There will be provided insights about the latest ongoing developments and open challenges in this domain.
Prof. Sherif Sakr is currently a Professor of Computer Science at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. He is also affiliated with The School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at University of New South Wales (UNSW Australia) and Data61/CSIRO (formerly NICTA). He received his PhD degree in Computer and Information Science from Konstanz University, Germany in 2007. He received his BSc and MSc degrees in Computer Science from the Information Systems department at the Faculty of Computers and Information in Cairo University, Egypt, in 2000 and 2003 respectively. In 2008 and 2009, Sherif held an Adjunct Lecturer position at the Department of Computing of Macquarie University, Australia. Dr. Sakr held a visiting Researcher/Professor appointments in international reputable research and academic institutes including Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA (2011), Nokia Bell Labs, Ireland – Formerly Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs (2012), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany (2015), University of Zurich, Switzerland (2016), Technical Unversity of Dresden, Germany (2016). In 2013, Sherif has been awarded the Stanford Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate.
Prof. Sakr’s research interest is data and information management in general, particularly in big data processing systems, big data analytics, data science and big data management in cloud computing platforms. Prof. Sakr has published more than 90 refereed research publications in international journals and conferences He is an associate editor of the cluster computing journal and Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems (TLDKS). He is also an editorial board member of many reputable international journals. Prof. Sakr has (co)-authored 4 books and edited 4 other books, Dr. Sakr is an ACM Senior Member and an IEEE Senior Member. In 2017, he has been selected to serve as an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Speaker.
See also the pages on LinkedIn and UNSW
Sherif Sakr, Big Data Science as a Service, Tallinn, 24.10.2017 10.00
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