Upcoming Events
Technical Writing for Industry: Bridging Science and Practice
IEEE Estonia Section Board Election 2020 Results Available
The 2020 IEEE Estonia Section Board election has successfully concluded. All elected volunteers amassed more than 2/3 of votes cast. Voter turnout was 30%. Election results follow.
Boost Your Research Profile with IEEE Webinar
All students and non-students of TalTech are welcome to join!
The session will cover:
- Search tips & techniques for the IEEE Xplore Digital Library;
- Tools for career and networking skills;
- Resources to guide you through the publishing process.
Register here: https://registerieeexplore.wufoo.com/forms/boost-your-research-profile-with-ieee
IEEE Xtreme 14.0 (2020) Preliminary Results
Below are preliminary results from the scoreboard. There may be some changes while solutions are checked. The official results will come out soon, but last year it took some weeks.
IEEE Estonia Section Supports the Establishment of Nobel Research Centre
IEEE Estonia Section provides support for the establishment of the Estonian Nobel Research Centre. The support letter (in Estonian) is attached below.
Download the Support Document PDFIn Memoriam: Toomas Parve (1949-2020)
It is with heavy hearts we learn about the passing of our dear colleague Toomas Parve in the morning of April 15, 2020. Toomas was an active member of IEEE IMS and EMBS, has been the chair of the IM/EMB/ED chapter and has contributed to the development of IEEE Estonia Section in numerous ways. He will be dearly missed.