
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

IEEE Estonia Section is locally supporting IEEE activities mostly through the organization of professional meetings, invited lectures, workshops and other events.

Upcoming Events


Student Branch of Estonian Section approved!

On 28.04.2014 it was announced officially:
“Region 8 approves” the formation of this [Tallinn University of Technology Student Branch in the Estonia Section] Student Branch.
Best regards,
Martin Bastiaans,
IEEE Region 8 Director.”

Petition of forming the Student Branch was signed by at twelve eligible student members, the Counselor, and two endorsers.
The Student Branch Counselor is professor Vello Kukk, TUT.
The First Student Branch Chair is Yar Muhammad, PhD student at TUT (yar.mughal AT hotmail.com).

Distinguished lecturer V. John Mathews on May 2-nd 2014 in TUT

On Friday May 2-nd 2014 14:00 in Tallinn University of Technology, room #: II-102

Equalization and Adaptation of Nonlinear Systems

V John Mathews
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112

This talk provides a tutorial introduction to nonlinear signal processing with emphasis on equalization of nonlinear distortions in practical problems and adaptation of nonlinear system models. In the first part of the talk, we will discuss efficient approaches to inversion and equalization of a broad class of nonlinear systems. We will start by looking at exact inverses of nonlinear systems, but stable implementations of such systems may not exist. We will then describe approximate equalizer architectures that are systolic and operate in a stable manner. Examples of applying the equalizers in audio applications will also be shown. The second part of the talk will overview adaptive algorithms for identifying linear-in-the parameters nonlinear systems. Among the approaches discussed will be a method whose computational complexity involves a single multiplication and two additions per input sample, regardless of the complexity of the model.
Prof. V.John Mathews biography

BEC conference – second CFP

NEW! Deadline extended until May 4.

  • April 20, 2014 – Deadline for submission of regular papers.
  • June 1, 2014 – Notification of acceptance of papers.
  • June 5, 2014 – Deadline for payment of regular conference fee and submission of the paper’s final version.
  • June 15, 2014 – Deadline to submit the final version of the paper.
  • October 6-8, 2014 – Conference dates.

All accepted conference papers will be available and referred in IEEE Xplore database.

IEEE Estonia Section is technical co-sponsor of BEC

Augustiseminar in Leppoja

Traditional IEEE Estonia section August seminar  will take place on 19-20th of August 2014 in Leppoja. Keep the dates!
Registration info will be available in spring.

2014 European School of Information Theory

The 2014 European School of Information Theory will be organized in Tallinn, Estonia, on 14-18th of April 2014. The school is intended to provide an inspiring venue  for  graduate  and  postdoctoral  students  from  all  over  Europe  (and beyond) to learn from leading experts in information theory and related fields through short courses/lectures, make friendships and connections with  other school participants and present their own research.
The school is organized by the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Tartu.
The school is officially sponsored by the IEEE Information Theory Society, by the EU ICT COST Action IC1104, and by the Estonian Excellence in Computer Science, Estonian Regional Development Fund.