
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

IEEE Estonia Section is locally supporting IEEE activities mostly through the organization of professional meetings, invited lectures, workshops and other events.

Upcoming Events


IEEE EMB silmapaistev lektor 6. oktoobril TTÜ-s / IEEE EMB Distinguished Lecturer Prof Zahra Moussavi and Prof. Brian Lithgow at TUT on 6th of October

6. oktoobril on TTÜ-s külas IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) silmapaistev lektor prof. Zahra M.K. Moussavi (Manitoba University, Kanada), kaasesineja prof. Brian Lithgow.
Loengud toimuvad TTÜ peamajas algusega kell 9:30 ja jätkuvad BEC konverentsi raames kell 12:00 MEKTORY majas.
Täpsem info ja registreerimine: 2014_IEEE_EMB_DL_event_call

Dear All,
IEEE Estonian section is pleased to announce IEEE EMBS Distinguished Lecture (DL), which is scheduled on Monday, 6th of October 2014.

  • The first session will start at 9:30 at TUT main building U02-409, Ehitajate tee 5,
  • The second session in cooperation with BEC will start at 12:00 at MEKTORY.

The speakers are:
1. Prof. Zahra M. K. Moussavi
Manitoba University, Canada
2. Prof. Brian Lithgow
Monash University, Australia
Please find more information about the event: 2014_IEEE_EMB_DL_event_call
Registration is required for the event before Thursday, 2nd of October 2014.
Please register here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ej-NEJTXrXeEvaQbQ6BIb4YtlEQNNjukk211zj7NPP8/edit#gid=0

IEEEXtreme 8.0

IEEEXtreme 8.0 24h programmeerimisvõistlusele registreerumine käib ja lõpeb 4-l oktoobril, võistlus toimub 18. oktoobril 2014 00:00:00 UTC järgi (s.t. algab Eestis kell 3:00 öösel).
Huvilistel (nii IEEE Student/Graduate või mitte-liikmetel) tuleks võtta ühendust IEEE TTÜ tudengiharu esindajatega saamaks täiendavat infot võitlusele  juurdepääsu ja kohapealse korralduse vastu (traditsiooniliselt on olnud üks võistluspaik TTÜs, teine TÜ-s).
!!! IEEE Eesti sektsioon katab neile IEEEXtreemlastele, kes pole varem IEEE liikmestaatust omandanud, aastase liikmemaksu !!!

Registration to IEEEXtreme 8.0 24h programming contest is open since 8th of September and will close on 4th of October 2014 00:00:00 UTC. IEEEXtreme 8.0 will be held 18 October 2014 00:00:00 UTC (local time in Estonia 3:00 a.m.).
Students (IEEE Student/Graduate Members or not members) are encouraged to form a teams and contact Student Branch representatives to get additional information about access to competition and local organization (traditionally there have been places in TUT and UT) of competition.
!!! IEEE Estonia Section is covering for new IEEEXtremers, who have not enrolled to IEEE membership before, a yearly membership fee !!!

Augustiseminar läheneb / August seminar is approaching

Registreerumine IEEE Eesti sektsiooni augustiseminarile 19-20 august 2014 Leppojal (http://www.leppoja.ee) on avatud,
vt. http://isc.dcc.ttu.ee/ws.htm
Ettepanekud ettekannete osas (pealkiri, soovitav aeg ja kestvus) palun saata minule (kalle.tammemae@ieee.org) ja/või Vello Kukele (vello.kukk@ttu.ee), kes haldab üritusele registreerimise lehte.
Ööbimiskohtade arv majas on piiratud (30) kuid hilised registreerijad saavad alati arvestada telkimisplatsiga.
Augustiseminari kulud IEEE liikmetele kaetakse sektsiooni eelarvest.
Kohtumiseni Leppojal!
Kalle Tammemäe
IEEE Eesti sektsiooni esimees

IEEE Estonia Section August seminar on 19-20 August 2014 in Leppoja (http://www.leppoja.ee) is open for registration: http://isc.dcc.ttu.ee/ws.htm
There is space for additional presentations in agenda.
Proposals for presentations (title, time and expected duration) please send to me (kalle.tammemae@ieee.org) or/and to prof. Vello Kukk (vello.kukk@ttu.ee), who is administrating event registration page.
If you plan to stay overnight then number of beds in Leppoja is limited (30). Registration speed matters. Fortunately, tenting is also possible.
The expenses of Leppoja seminar (at the spot) for IEEE members will be covered by section budget.
See you in Leppoja!
Kalle Tammemäe
IEEE Estonia Section, Chair