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IEEE Estonia Section technical sponsor of CyCon 2014
IEEE Estonia Section will be technical sponsor of annual NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence conference on 3-6 June 2014 in Tallinn, Estonia. It is not the first time our section is taking this role in CyCon.
MOU between parties was signed on October 22th, 2013.
Conference web: www.ccdcoe.org
IEEExtreme 7.0 preliminary results
IEEExtreme 7.0 is over. Estonian teams did well; three best were inside the first hundred:
TeddyBears – 76th, TTU004 – 81th, 1Billion1 – 89th place.
Average number of points 865,396 for all 10 teams (unfortunately, there is no such assessment category), but it looks great!
More at HackerRank
Kalle Tammemäe
IEEExtreme 7.0 – Estonia is going large
10 teams from Estonia are preparing and going to pursue places in top 20 of IEEExtreme 7.0 on 26th of October 2013 at 00:00:00 UTC (3:00 in Estonia):
Tallinn University of Technology
- 5 teams: Sauber, bitpigs, TTU004, Teddy Bears, Lobster Polonium
University of Tartu
- 4 teams: Left2Code, Kvart, YMCsharp, Adamas
Estonian IT College
- 1 team: 1Billion
K. Tammemäe,
Estonia Section, Chair
Augustiseminar, Toosikannu puhkekeskus, 19-20.08.2013
Traditsioonilise kokkusaamise seekordseks toimumiskohaks on Toosikannu puhkekeskus.
Ootame kõiki IEEE Eesti sektsiooni liikmeid üritusest aktiivselt osa võtma ja ettekannetega esinema !
Registreerumine : http://isc.dcc.ttu.ee/ieee/ws/ws2013.asp
Seminari ajakava (uuendatud 12.08.2013) : http://isc.dcc.ttu.ee/ieee/ws/WS2013/ChapterWorkshop2013.asp#TIME TABLE