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SSCS News on IEEE Estonia workshop
The October 2007 issue of SSCS News features an article by SP/CAS/SSC Chair Peeter Ellervee, on the tradition of IEEE workshops in Estonia.
Click here to read the article
Patrick Reynaert, RF and mm-wave CMOS PAs, Espoo 3.03.2008
Time: 3.3.2008 (Monday) @ 10.15 am
Coordinates: TKK Lecture hall S3, Otakaari 5, Otaniemi, Espoo
Coffee & refreshments will be served before the talk
It is for sure a challenge to achieve high output power in a low-voltage
CMOS technology. Furthermore, the high dynamic range requirements of
wireless standards emphasize the need for efficient power control,
whereas the battery lifetime requirements put a challenge on the peak
The first part of this talk will focus on power combining and
linearization as key enablers for high-linearity, high-efficiency, fully
integrated and reconfigurable CMOS power amplifiers.
The second part of the talk will focus on CMOS mm-wave power amplifiers.
CMOS technology scaling, together with the availability of the 60GHz
frequency band, has spurred the interest in mm-wave CMOS circuits. CMOS,
however, operates at a low supply voltage and is not tailored for
mm-wave operation. As such, achieving sufficient output power in a
nanometer CMOS technology is non-trivial. Some fundamental challenges of
mm-wave CMOS circuit design are reviewed, followed by a discussion on
mm-wave CMOS PA design.
Patrick Reynaert received his Ph.D. from the Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Belgium, in 2006.
His Ph.D. research focussed on polar modulated CMOS RF power amplifiers.
During 2006-2007, he was a post-doctoral researcher at UC Berkeley and a
member of the Berkeley Wireless Research Center, where he worked on
mm-wave CMOS circuits. During the summer of 2007, he was a visiting
researcher at Infineon Technologies, Austria, Villach, where he worked
on basestation power amplifiers.
Currently, he is an associate professor at the Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Dept. Electrical Engineering, and is leading the research on RF
power amplifiers and CMOS mm-wave circuits.
EMÜ (Elektromagnetilise Ühildatavuse) seminar 13.02.2008
Seminar toimub inglise keeles ja on tasuta 13. veebruaril (kolmapäeval) 2008 algusega kell 12:00 Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis, I-202.
19. EAEEIE aastakonverents, Tallinn, 29.06-02.07.2008
EAEEIE (European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering) on enam kui seitsekümmet Euroopa ülikooli koondav rahvusvaheline organisatsioon, mille põhitähelepanu all on info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia ning elektriinseneri alane haridus.
Tänavune, järjekorras juba 19. konverents toimub Tallinnas, TTÜ arvutitehnika instituudi korraldamisel. Konverentsi tehnilised sponsorid on IEEE Region 8, IEEE Eesti sektsioon ning IEEE Computer Society Eesti kapiitel.
EAEEIE 2008 kodulehekülg: http://eaeeie.ttu.ee/
RFID tehnoloogiad ja sensorvõrgud, 14.01.2007
RFID tehnoloogiad ja sensorvõrgud, nende rakendused tootmises ja logistikas.
Seminari eesmärk on tutvustada RFID tehnoloogiate uusimaid rakendusi ja võimalusi. Eesti ja Soome kogemusi antud valdkonnas. Täpsema seminari kava leiate
Seminar toimub Ettevõtluse Arendamise SA poolt finantseeritava HEI programmi raames ja on tasuta.
Seminari ettekanded on inglise keeles.
Seminar toimub 14. jaanuaril kell 12.00 kuni 16.00 TTÜ-s (Energeetika maja, Ehitajate tee 5, ruum VII-226).
Info ja registreerimine(soovitavalt hiljemalt 11.01, kell 12.00-ks), samuti küsimused : hei@eliko.ee
Indrek Ruiso
OÜ ELIKO Tehnoloogia Arenduskeskus