
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

IEEE Estonia Section is locally supporting IEEE activities mostly through the organization of professional meetings, invited lectures, workshops and other events.

Upcoming Events


Free on-line books for Computer Society members

Beginning December 2008, Computer Society members will have free access to 600 selections from Safari Books Online. Safari’s Essential Tech and Business Library includes technical books from leading publishers, such as O’Reilly Media.
Learn more about this new membership benefit.

HSDPA ülevaade, Priit Roosipuu, 26.11.2008

26. novembril kell 16.00 esineb TTÜ ruumis VII-131 OÜ Pemetel juhataja Priit Roosipuu. Oodatud on nii IEEE liikmed kui muud huvilised.
Ettekande sisuks on HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) –  tehnoloogia mida hetkel ka kõik eesti mobiilside operaatorid pakuvad.
Teeme ülevaate kuidas see töötab ja selgitame millised on teoreetilised ja reaalsed andmeedastuskiirused.
Ettekande pikkus on 35 – 45 minutit, matemaatilisi valemeid ei ole, seega võivad kõik osaleda ja mingeid eelteadmisi ei ole otseselt vaja.

Inseneride aastakonverents, Tallinn, 11-12.11.2008

Inseneride Aastakonverentsil räägitakse uuendustest inseneritöös ning sellest, millised on ettevõtte ootused inseneridele ning kuidas insenerid neid ootusi täita saavad.
• räägitakse põnevatest arengutest erinevates insenerivaldkondades,
• tuuakse näiteid silmapaistvatest insener-tehnilistest lahendustest meil ja mujalt.
Konverents annab osalejatele inseneritööks vajalikku uusimat infot. Uusi teadmisi saab koguda ka konverentsi raames toimuvate ekskursioonide käigus Eesti juhtivatesse tootmisettevõtetesse. Esinejateks on oma ala professionaalid Eestist ja mujalt, nii edukatest ettevõtetest kui ka juhtivatest tehnikaülikoolidest.
Konverentsile ootame insenere erinevatest valdkondadest alates energeetikast, masinaehitusest ja ehitusest kuni tekstiili, biomeditsiini ja toiduainetehnoloogiani välja.
Inseneride Aastakonverents 2008 toimub 11.-12. novembril Tallinnas IT Kolledž-is.

CEBE opening, 18.09.2008

Centre for Integrated Electronic Systems and Biomedical Engineering – CEBE – will be officially opened on September 18, 2008 in connection with the festivities of TUT’s 90th anniversary.

The event gives an overview of the scientific potential of CEBE, describes the working groups and outlines the plans for future. The opening session will be held together with EXCS – Centre of Excellence in Computer Science and features two survey talks from the members of the Centers International Advisory boards:

  • Ivan Damgård, University of Aarhus, Denmark
  • Manfred Glesner, TU Darmstadt, Germany

The afternoon session focuses on the plans of the individual working groups of the centre, delivering more technical talks.

Everyone is welcome!

Invitation together with the schedule (in Estonian, pdf)

For more information:

Prof. Raimund Ubar
Ph: +372 620 2252

1st Workshop on Wireless Broadband Access for Communities and Rural Developing Regions – …

1st Workshop on Wireless Broadband Access for Communities and Rural
Developing Regions – WIRELESS4D
Co-located at 1st International Conference on “M4D” – Mobile Communication
Technology for Development”, http://m4d.humanit.org/ December 11-12, 2008,
Karlstad University, Sweden
Sponsored by E-CLIC (EU-regional funds
Paper submission deadline is September 30th, 2008
Broadband internet access is at present available only to a small portion of
the world’s population, and there is a significant penetration discrepancy
not only between different countries but also between different regions and
areas within a given country.
In addition, there is a growing interest on the local community and
municipal levels to get broadband wireless access, but the number of options
regarding network and service providers, as well as price and usage plans,
is severely limited. However, affordable broadband for all is a key
requirement to bridge the digital divide and to bring sustainable
development to rural and developing regions as well as to support
communities and municipalities. Today, existing technologies and plans for
broadband access fail to address key challenges in terms of cost,
deployment, or power consumption in order to bring broadband internet access
to sparsely populated rural areas or to the masses of developing countries.
While the focus of the general M4D conference is on multi-disciplinary
research addressing the social, political, cultural and educational barriers
to bringing ICT into developing regions, this workshop focuses on the
technical and economical aspects of enabling (broadband) wireless internet
access for rural and developing areas, as well as supporting communities and
municipalities. The goal is to bring together researchers and practitioners
and to serve as a forum for presenting and discussing state of the art
research, exchanging ideas and experiences, and facilitating interaction and
collaboration. Therefore, we are encouraging contributions including but not
limited to topics listed below:
* Cost-effective Rural, Urban and Community Wireless and Mesh Networks
* Long distance and low power wireless network deployments
* Power-Efficient Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
* Opportunistic Communication Paradigms
* Social Networks meet Wireless
* Planning and Deployment of Community and Municipality Wireless Networks
* Business Models and Economics of Community and Rural Wireless Networks
* Applications and Services for Communities, Cross-layer design for
localized communication
* Case Studies and Testbeds
Submission Instructions
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a PDF version of an extended
abstract (maximum of 1000 words, in English) including figures, tables, and
results that provides enough details to assess the contribution of the work.
In addition to the paper submission, an abstract shall be submitted through
the EDAS system using as the main conference M4D 2008 and selecting the
WIRELESS4D workshop. You can use directly the SUBMIT PAPER link by no later
than September 30th, 2008. Authors of accepted papers are expected to
present their paper at the workshop and register at regular registration
rates as indicated by the main conference.
Accepted contributions will be part of the M4D conference proceedings either
as full paper (10 pages maximum, 11pt single space, see template) or as the
extended abstract and published on this website after the conference.
Participants will present their contributions as either talks (max. 20
minutes) or poster presentations.
EDAS link: http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=6821&
Template:  http://m4d.humanit.org/images/stories/doc/m4d_template.doc
Important dates
Abstract submission due:        September 30th  2008
Acceptance Notification:        October 31st, 2008
Camera ready manuscripts due:   November 15, 2008
Workshop date:                  December 11-12, 2008
Workshop Chair
Andreas J. Kassler, Karlstad University, Sweden
Industrial Support Chair
Thomas Michael Bohnert, SAP Research, CEC Zurich, CH
Program Committee:
Rui Aguiar, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Stefano Avallone, University of Naples, Italy
Suman Bannerjee, University of Wisconsin, USA
Elisabeth M. Belding, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Yahel Ben-David, Air Jaldi, India
Giuseppe Bianchi, University of Rome, Italy Torsten Braun, University of
Bern, Switzerland
Matteo Cesana, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Nicolas Chevrollier, TNO, Netherlands
Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Politechno di Torino, Italy
Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge, UK
Mischa Dohler, CTTC, Spain
Per Gunningberg, Uppsala University, Sweden S. Keshav, University of
Waterloo, Canada
Edward W. Knightly, Rice University, USA
Ibrahim Körpeoglu, Bilkent University, Turkey As Madhukumar, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore
Prasant Mohapatra, UC Davis, USA
Edmundo Monteiro, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Jörg Ott, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Sergio Palazzo, University of Catania, Italy
Tapan Parikh, UC Berkeley, USA
Pedro M. Ruiz, University of Murcia, Spain Vasilios Siris, University of
Crete, Greece
Rahul Tongia, CMU, USA
Yan Zhang, Simula Research, Norway
For information about the workshop please have a look at:
For futher information, please contact the Workshop Chair Professor Andreas J. Kassler, Karlstad University.
lease, reflect upon the below text from Andreas!