
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

IEEE Estonia Section is locally supporting IEEE activities mostly through the organization of professional meetings, invited lectures, workshops and other events.

Upcoming Events


Signaalitöötluse seminar 24.04.2008

Signaalitöötluse alane seminar kõigile huvilistele (k.a magistrandid, doktorandid, teadurid)
24.04.2008 (neljapäev  kl. 15.30-17.30 TTÜ ruumis VI-223 (Ehitajate tee 5)
Põhiettekanne: dr. Gert Tamberg,TTÜ matemaatika instituut
Teemadeks: lainekesed ja splainid
Kommentaarid-lisandused: prof. Andi Kivinukk (TLÜ)
TTÜ Elektroonikainstituut (II-222A, Ehitajate tee 5)
tel. 6 202 167
skype: olev38 (Olev Märtens)
gsm: 51 30494

Baltic Electronics Conference, 6-8.10.2008

Electronics and embedded systems are wide-ranging multidisciplinary research fields of rapid growth and expansion. The conference  will provide an opportunity to come together and discuss ones recent research work at an international forum.
The conference is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Tallinn University of Technology; to the 45th anniversary of the Department of Electronics; and to the 50th anniversary of the Association of Estonian Electronics Engineers.