
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

IEEE Estonia Section is locally supporting IEEE activities mostly through the organization of professional meetings, invited lectures, workshops and other events.

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DoS in VANETs: an issue or a fatality? Tallinn, 21.04.2016

Friday, April 21st 10:00 – 11:30, Tallinn University of Technology room U02-409.
IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer Jalel Ben-Othman (Professor at University of Paris 13).
Wireless and mobile networks have many advantages as easy deployment, user mobility and providing network access to users regardless to their locations. The most critical problems that arise in these networks are on the resource allocations as the bandwidth is limited, the propagation (multi-path, fading, distortion) and security since communications are transmitted over radio waves. In parallel new architectures/technologies have been emerging as Vehicular Networks and Internet of Things.
In this lecture, Prof Ben-Othman will present issues about availability problems in those networks and architecture, He will focus on Vehicular Networks, and he will present some works we have done and other works to improve security in those systems.
Prof. Ben-Othman received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees both in Computer Science from the University of  Pierre et Marie Curie, (Paris 6) France in 1992, and 1994 respectively. He received his PhD degree from the University of Versailles, France, in 1998.

SampTA 2017




SampTA 2017 is the 12th biennial International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications. SampTA conferences bring together mathematicians and engineers interested in sampling theory and its applications to related fields (such as signal and image processing, coding theory, control theory, complex analysis, harmonic analysis, differential equations, inverse problems) to exchange recent advances and to discuss open problems.
Call for Papers (PDF)
Important dates:
January 1: Registration opens
February 15: Paper submission ends
March 31: Paper acceptance confirmation
May 1: Final manuscripts due
May 1: Regular registration closes
May 20: Program finalized
This meeting is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society

New joint chapter is born

On 14th of December the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Department approved the petition to form a new joint chapter “Estonia Section Industry Applications, Power & Energy, and Robotics and Automation Joint Societies Chapter“. Shortly: IA/PE/RA joint chapter.
The prelim chair of the chapter is initiator of the petition Marko Koort (Industrial Ambassador of the section) and one of his the first activities will be organization of elections to elect full chair and vice-chair of the chapter.
Congratulations and lot of energy for all members of the IA/PE/RA chapter!

In memoriam

6. novembril 2016 lahkus ootamatult meie hulgast IEEE 20-aastase staažiga liige Eiko Kängsep.
IEEE Eesti sektsioon mälestab Eikot kui head kolleegi, inseneri ja vabatahtlikku ning avaldab kaastunnet tema lähedastele. Eiko on olnud IEEE Eesti sektsiooni kohusetundlik ja alati abivalmis varahaldur selle algusaastatest 2005-2006 kuni lahkumispäevani, enam kui 10 aastat. Eiko valmistus ametit sujuvat üle andma ning tema kaasalöömine IEEE-s juures jätkunuks – lisaks varahaldurile oli Eiko sektsiooni Hariduse ja SP/CAS/SSC üksuste liige. Sektsiooni senistel muutlikel tegevus- ja kasvuaastatel on Eiko olnud üheks kindlaks ühenduslüliks, mis on aidanud sektsiooni pärandit tekitada ja hoida. Peame seda meeles.
Ärasaatmine 10. novembril 2016 kell 14:00 Pärnamäe Krematooriumis.

Recent Section officers election

IEEE Estonia Section Board Elections on 2016 on October 14-21, 2016 were held to elect volunteers who will take over the responsibilities of section chair, secretary and treasurer for the next two years since the 1st of January 2017. The results of election, as confirmed by Election Committee: Urmet Jänes (chair), Innar Liiv, Madis Listak, are following:
Chair: Peeter Ellervee
Secretary: Maie Bachmann
Treasurer: Reeno Reeder