
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

IEEE Estonia Section is locally supporting IEEE activities mostly through the organization of professional meetings, invited lectures, workshops and other events.

Upcoming Events


XXXI Finnish URSI Convention on Radio Science, Espoo, 28.10.2008

The XXXI Finnish URSI Convention on Radio Science jointly with Electromagnetics 2008 will be held at the Helsinki University of Technology TKK in Espoo, Finland, on October 28, 2008. The convention is organized by the Finnish National Committee of URSI, CSC, the Finnish IT center for science, and the TKK Department of Radio Science and Engineering. The convention provides a forum for discussion of advances in the broad field of radio science and radio communications in Finland. The program will include contributed and plenary presentations. No registration fee.
IEEE Eesti toetab esimesi osavõtjaid. Kontakt Vello Kukk.

IEEE augustiseminar, Kõrvemaa, 19-20.08.2008

IEEE Eesti iga-aastaseks traditsiooniks on augustis Eesti eri paikades peetavad seminarid.
2008 aasta  augustiseminarid toimuvad,  nagu ikka, 19 ja 20 augustil, seekord  Kõrvemaal.
Info ja registreerimine: http://isc.dcc.ttu.ee/ws.htm

Itaalia-Eesti robotiseminar, Tallinn, 3.06.2008

3.juunil (teisipäeval), algusega kl. 13.00, TTÜ-peahoones, ruumis I-202 toimub järjekordne Eliko HEI seminar, seekord teemaks Robot-tehnika,

võimalike rakendustega turva-, logistika, kinnisvara hoolduse ja paljudel muudel aladel
ROBOSWARMi Europrojekt (www.roboswarm.eu) on Eesti poolt juhitav edukas IT-alane uurimis-arendusprojekt, kus siis kasutatakse robotiparvesid “targas keskkonnas” !
Ja Itaalia firma Genovarobot  (www.genovarobot.com)  soovib muuhulgas tutvustada turva- ja muude rakenduste roboteid, mida kasutatakse näiteks lennujaamade terminaalides.

Lisainfo ja ajakava

Baltic DB&IS Conference, Tallinn, 2-5.06.2008

The objective of the conference is to bring together researchers as well as practitioners and PhD students in the fields of advanced database and information systems research. The goal of the conference is to discuss the role that database systems play in the development of modern networked information systems. The conference is also seeking for the databases and information systems research that relate to ontologies and semantic web.