IEEE Eesti kutsub osalema IEEE külalislektori Prof. Weiler Finamore avalikul loengul sidekanali mürade modelleerimisest „On Modeling PLC Noise“ esmaspäeval, 29. mail kell 16:30 TTÜ IT majas ruumis ICT-A1 (Akadeemia tee 15A; II korrus, tagumine trepikoda).
Loengu ingliskeelne kokkuvõte ja esineja lühibiograafia leiate allpool, kutsume osalema! Üliõpilased on samuti oodatud.
Lisaks powerline/PLC kasutajatele peaks loeng huvi pakkuma ka raadio- ja akustilise sidega tegelejatele.
You are invited to an open IEEE lecture of Prof. Weiler Finamore on communications channel modeling, titled „On Modeling PLC Noise“. The lecture will be held at TTU IT building room ICT-A1 (Akadeemia tee 15A, II floor, rear stairs) on Monday May 29th at 16:30.
An english abstract and short bio is shown below, please participate! Anybody, including students is welcome.
Besides PLC technology users the lecture should be relevant to radio and acoustic communication system researchers.
Finding an adequate mathematical noise model to represent the noise that perturbs the transmission over a given communication medium is of paramount importance. As it is well known, many transmission media are modeled as an AWGN channel. Why is the AWGN model is considered, in such situations, to be an adequate model? This is a claim that can be easily supported by computer simulation: if the simulation of the communication system when the noise is mathematically generated (using the AWGN model) is very close to the simulation results obtained when the noise used are samples of true noise (obtained by measurement) then one can accept the mathematcal noise as an adequate model.
Deep space communication, line of sight comunications are some examples in which the AWGN proved to be rather adequate. Wireless communication, on the oter hand, require more sophisticated mathematical models. The same can be said about the communication over power line cables (PLC): ver this medium (PLC) the AWGN model is not acceptable (as is can be easily shown — by computer simulation for instance). The adoption of Additive Bernoulli-Gauss Noise (ABGN), as a noise model for Power Line Communication (PLC) is a an open discussion subject.
ABGN is a model that pictures the noise as a signal that for a fraction of time is a low power signal and for the remaining time it is a high power (impulsive) signal. Investigation related to the usefulness of the ABGN as a mathematical model for the trnasmission over PLC will be discussed. Samples of the noise registered during a measure campaign conducted at the “Universidade Federal of Juiz de Fora, Brazil” are the reference noise in our studies. A general procedure to find the model parameters, namely, the noise power and the impulsiveness factor have been examines. An strategy to assess the noise memory, using LDPC codes, has also been examined. Our conjecture, that ABGN with memory is a meaningful mathematical model, that can be used as the basis for the evaluation of the noise effect on the digital transmission over the PLC, as it will be presented, is strongly supported by our results.
The presenter is an invited visiting professor of University of Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle”, Macodonia and Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil. Prof. Finamore got his doctoral degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison in USA, he used to work long time at Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). He has been a visiting researcher of IBM Brasil. His research interests include Information Theory, Image Processing, Lossless Data Compression, Rate-Distortion Theory. He is a member of IEEE Information Theory Society.
Prof Weiler Finamore, On Modeling PLC Noise. TUT 29.05.2017 16:30
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